
The Nizameddin entity began its operation in the 1960s as it started establishing itself in the Middle East region to operate in various business areas.

The founder combined the traditional roots of his home region and the modern knowledge he acquired from higher education and international interactions to build long and successful business cooperation with leading international and local companies.

During that period, the petroleum sector was emerging to become one of the most dominant fields not only in the Middle East, but also in the global economy. Consequently, the primary activity of the Nizameddin entity focused mainly on this field by providing various services and equipment for the Oil & Gas sectors.

The supply of Petroleum Equipment became the central area of expertise of the Nizameddin entity. Accordingly, it became the agent and representative to prominent manufacturers & corporations for various categories of equipment required for the operations of oil companies in the Middle East. This line of business was mainly conducted from 1965 till the early 2000s and especially the period from 1970 till the 1990s.

From the early 2000s, the group's main focus increasingly shifted into the investments sector to safeguard the wealth it has accumulated throughout the year and increase its value conservatively.